duminică, 12 iulie 2015

Enigma de la Wimbledon

De când mă uit în ultimul timp la Turneul de la Wimbledon am observat mereu un personaj care stă pe ultimul rând în loja de invitaţi ai campionilor care dispută finalele. Ieri era la loja familiei Serenei Wiliams, azi este la loja lui Djokovic.
Este un domn cu barbişon cu pălărie texană, care nu poate fi ruda celor invitaţi, pentru că este acolo tot timpul. Cine o fi? Vreun miliardar texan, altcineva? 
Cine ştie cine este personajul?

2 comentarii:

  1. But we can reveal that he is one David Spearing, and, at 75, he is the Championships' longest-serving steward. He's held the Centre Court seat for 15 years – and shows no sign of giving it up. "When I leave this box," he has said, "it will be in another box."

    Mr Spearing spends most of the year in Abu Dhabi, where he has lived for more than 40 years and where he runs a structural engineering consultancy which bears his name. It is also in Abu Dhabi where he acquired the Stetson hat which he has sported for good luck at every final since the 1990s. He is an active member of the British Business Group and a well-known and respected figure in the Emirati community.
